July 25, 2022

A message from Team Fortune Favors to our communities

As of June 2022, it is no longer possible to obtain safe, legal, full-spectrum reproductive healthcare in the state of Wisconsin. Our country’s decision to deny womxn the right to our own bodies and restrict our access to healthcare has left us feeling sad, frustrated, and trapped. This decision deeply impacts our staff, our families, our friends, and especially those most vulnerable in our community. 

We might be a “small” business but we feel compelled to make a big noise about this. We are not only citizens of our Madison community, but also of this nation and of the world. Our values as a company direct us to be leaders in everything we do, and we do our best to behave accordingly. In every decision we make, we take into account the people we care about–our staff, families, and ALL of the communities we serve. No one who claims to support equal rights for all can remain silent today.

Two local organizations that also share our values are The Women’s Medical Fund and Planned Parenthood. The Women’s Medical Fund of Wisconsin (WMF) is a nonprofit working to raise money to support Wisconsin residents seeking abortion care. They also offer education on reproductive health and organize for greater healthcare access. You can donate to them via our linktree on Instagram or directly through their website

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin (PPWI) has temporarily suspended their abortion services, but they still offer many critically important services like STI testing and support to those seeking a safe and legal abortion, while working to assist their colleagues in neighboring states who can still offer their full spectrum of services. Our CEO, Sam, has partnered with several local businesses to create a fundraising event called Aid & Abet. All profits will be donated directly to PPWI. 

It’s natural to feel helpless and wonder where we are headed. It feels dark and lonely. We will get through this by standing up for those we love and continuing to care about each other. We have built our business, with your help, striving every day to be productive and contributing members of our communities, and we are committed to staying the course.  You can expect to hear our collective voices more often in the coming days.  The time to be quiet is over.

All the best,

Team Fortune Favors