January 5, 2022

2021 Highlights: A Year in Review

It's hard to believe another year has gone by and Nutkrack (now Fortune Favors) is now officially 3.5 years old! We have much to be proud of in 2021 and we owe so much of that to our incredible customers. THANK YOU for your support last year (and beyond!) and for continuing to share our candied pecans with others!

2021 Highlights:

  • We launched a new flavor!
  • We expanded our wholesale realm!
  • We co-created a candy bar!
  • We were voted 2nd Place Artisan Food Product in Best of Madison 2021!
  • We donated $3K to local non-profits!
  • We added more products to our shop!
  • We welcomed new staff to the Fortune Favors team!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  Here we come 2022!