November 26, 2020

RECIPE: Eric's Keto-Friendly Pancakes studded with Fortune Favors Pecans

Keto-Friendly Pancakes studded with Fortune Favors Pecans

Makes about 10 4-inch pancakes

2 cups almond flour

1 cup flax seed meal, brown or gold

1/4 cup brown flax seeds

1/4 cup chia seeds

1/4 cup erythritol (optional)

large pinch salt

1 1/2 T. baking powder

4 eggs, beaten

1 1/4 c. unsweetened coconut milk (I use “So Delicious” brand) You can substitute almond milk if you prefer

4 ounces Fortune Favors The Classic pecans

Pan spray

To make the pancakes-

Gather all the ingredients.

Heat a griddle or large pan to medium heat (350 degrees F if using an electric griddle).

In a large-ish mixing bowl mix all ingredients, EXCEPT the Fortune Favors pecans and whisk together until fully combined. Not to worry, this mixture will thicken over the next few minutes. You can thin it out a bit with more coconut milk or water if you would like.

Spray pan or griddle liberally with pan spray.

Spoon about 4 T. of the mixture onto the pre-heated pan or griddle and spread a bit with the back of the spoon. Place about 5 or 6 pieces of The Classic into each of the pancakes, embedding them into the yet to be cooked side of the pancake. When the cooked side is nice and brown, flip pancake over and cook other side until interior is cooked through.

I eat these with sugar-free syrup and lots of salted butter!